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                        Software Renewal

How we helped Judaica Plaza seamlessly replace their POS system which included long sought-after fixes.

The point-of-service software for Judica Plaza managed inventory, purchasing, custom orders, website product data, and front-of-the-house checkout. This software is the vital to the operation of the store and it was 5 years past 'end of life'. As the system aged, it began to get bogged down and would often slow or crash. The owners recognized that it was time for a replacement.

First, 19Prince conducted an in-depth discovery phase which included extensive interviews with all the stakeholders. We uncovered all the issues that limited efficient operations and the must-have features needed for any new software.

Once the above was complete, we created a scorecard for vendor evaluations. Initial vendor vetting, conducted by 19prince, winnow down ten different systems to two options. With the client and finalist on the phone, we put these two options through further extensive vetting. 

The finalist was chosen with great confidence. To further de-risk the project, we devised 'proof of concept' project to see our client's product and customer data in a live sandbox environment. This allowed my client to 'test drive' the software with his own data.